Achievements and Recognitions

We are working hard for our clients, partners, users, and to fulfill our mission.
It's great to see that our efforts are being recognized!

MindPort and VIRTOSHA on Heise

Heise, one of Germany's most influential IT magazines, featured us and our project VIRTOSHA.

Top XR Arts & Entertainment Vendors for 2024 (again)

XR Today, one of the leading magazines about virtual and augmented reality, listed MindPort among 12 companies as top XR arts & entertainment vendors for 2024 (again).

"The robust VR Builder platform saves companies time and money when creating product demos, gamified experiences, and virtual events for the metaverse using Unity Engine technologies.

The platform simplifies the complex process of designing and sharing 3D virtual assets across various platforms and environments. MindPort also offers step-by-step guidance and support to businesses investing in immersive reality, with an end-to-end approach to use case assessment, design, and implementation."

Successful Completion of Startup Wise Guys' Pre-Revenue Program

This program is the ultimate launchpad for early-stage startups eager to innovate in the realm of Extended Reality. During the 8-week program, we not only got a 360° evaluation of our whole business, we'll also get mentorship by experts in the XR realm and met other amazing XR startup founders!

About Startup Wise Guys

MindPort's bagde for completing the Startup Wise Guys acceleration program

BSFZ Acknowledges MindPort's Innovativeness

The Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage certifies MindPort as FuE eligible, acknowledging our innovative and research intensive work with VR Builder by doing so. This is not only a great honor for us, it also comes with attractive subsidies which will further accelerate our work!

About the FuE state subsidy

Seal: FuE 2024 of BSFZ (Bescheinigungsstelle Forschungszulage)

"Founder of the Year 2023" (3. Place)

Every year, the Unternehmerpreis Südwestfalen recognizes extraordinary achievements in four different categories. In 2023, our founder and CEO David Lähner has been nominated and placed 3rd for category "founder" by an independent and interdisciplinary jury.

Top XR Arts & Entertainment Vendors for 2023

XR Today, one of the leading magazines about virtual and augmented reality, listed MindPort among 12 companies as top XR arts & entertainment vendors for 2023.

"Designed to help companies quickly produce Virtual Reality content for a range of use cases, MindPort assists with everything from immersive training to product demonstrations. The company’s core solution, the VR Builder, is a platform intended to save businesses time and money when developing immersive content using Unity technologies. The VR development toolkit simplifies complex processes, assisting businesses with creating events, demonstrations, and artistic experiences in the metaverse. The MindPort team also works alongside clients to assist with everything from evaluating use cases, to global launch strategies."

10 Top Virtual Reality Startups to Watch in 2023

Through the Big Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered StartUs Insights Discovery Platform, which covers over 3 790 000 startups and scaleups globally, they identified 1390 virtual reality startups. Among those, they selected 10 you should watch in 2023, and listed MindPort for VR Builder and it's prototyping capabilities.

"VR Builderenables rapid prototyping by allowing app developers to make 3D assets interactable in VR. Once the user defines the VR app’s logic, the plug-in guides the user on how to build the app and prototype it in VR without writing any code. This level of rapid prototyping enables businesses to create VR training apps, games, and other immersive experiences quickly. With MindPort’s solution, businesses save significant time and resources while delivering high-quality VR content at scale."

Nominated for diwodo-sol.IT-Award 2023

Since 2013, the IT club has been honoring solutions with the sol.IT Award to recognize “Excellent Customer Solutions”. This year (2023), we have been nominated by the jury and ranked among the top 6 applicants.

INVEST – Zuschuss für Wagniskapital

We are INVEST förderfähig! This means that private investors get very attractive financial support by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control when investing in us.

About the INVEST subsidy

Seal: INVEST - Zuschuss für Wagniskapital - Förderfähig

Bonner Accelerator "DIGITALHUB"

We convinced the jury of the DIGITALHUB accelerator and joined it in July 2023. They now support us for six months and will help us closing our seed investment round.

"Top Service" award by DIND

In September 2023, the Deutsches Innovationsintitut für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (DIND) honored us as with the "Top Service" award.

"Fairness First" award by DIND

In September 2023, the Deutsches Innovationsintitut für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (DIND) honored us as with the "Fairness First" award.

"Arbeitgeber der Zukunft" award by DIND

In August 2023, the Deutsches Innovationsintitut für Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung (DIND) honored us as an "Arbeitgeber der Zukunft" (employer of the future).

JU DO! Gründerwettbewerb 2022 - 2nd Place

In 2022 we participated at JU DO!, the biggest pitch competition for startups in our region. We took home 2nd place along with 3.000€ in price money.

Gründerstipendium NRW

The Ministry of Economics, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia recognizes our innovative idea and supported us with the "Gründerstipendium NRW" start-up grant.

Siegener Accelerator "ONE SMALL STEP - BOOST"

We convinced the jury of the ONE SMALL STEP - BOOST accelerator of Startpunkt57 - Die Initiative für Gründer. They now support us with coaches, mentors, seminars, and their great network, in addition to providing us with a great office space at the Siegener SUMMIT!

MindPort in the Media